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The Community Ageing Research 75+ Study (CARE75+): an experimental ageing and frailty research cohort

CARE75+ is a cohort study of community-dwelling older people (aged 75 years and over). The aim of CARE75+ is to better understand ageing, what contributes to people remaining fit in later life or becoming frail, and how we might moderate or slow down frailty transitions.

The cohort is currently funded by the Yorkshire & Humber Applied Research Collaboration (ARC), National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR).

The cohort was originally established in 2014 within the Primary Care-Based Management of Frailty in Older People’s theme, as part of the Collaboration & Leadership in Applied Health Research & Care (CLAHRC) Yorkshire & Humber. This programme of work resulted in significant changes to practice and developed valuable resources for improving healthcare. View our summary video:

Primary Care-Based Management of Frailty in Older People: Making a Difference: